Risk Analytics Managers are in high demand in March, 2013 as financial services firms, including banks, hedge funds, asset managers, insurance companies, captive finance companies, GSE’s and regulators all look to upgrade talent in risk analytics – with particular emphasis on credit analytics. At Risk Talent Associates, www.risktalent.com, we have seen steady increases in activity for this skill set. Individuals with 10-15 years of experience are in the highest demand, because while Risk IT budgets continue to be tight, it appears that available resources are being allocated to this risk area and firms need individuals with experience, and who can manage a team, on the risk side to lead these development efforts. Why risk analytics in 2013? Because financial firms are slowly but surely gearing up to take more risk, and they want to make sure to take smart risks. Individuals with 10-15 years of experience are young enough to have renaissance skills, such as quantitative finance and programming, but they have also lived through the past couple of down cycles – valuable experience for new system build-outs. For more information contact mwoodrow@risktalent.com.